Amimoni – Panhellenic Association of Parents Guardians & Friends of Multiply Disabled & Visually Impaired People
Amimoni was founded in 1993 as a Nonprofit Organization with philanthropic status. It was founded by multiply disabled visually impaired children’s parents in order to meet the needs of children who were excluded from education and rehabilitation.
Today it runs 4 programs:
Early Intervention for children 0-6 years old
It is a home-based program which includes:
- Educational activities with the child and the carers
- Parent counseling
It also provides distance education and counseling to families who live outside Attica.
Day Center “IRIS”
- structured daily program
- individualized educational program
- Individual & group activities
It covers the needs of trainees aged 5 and above, with therapeutic interventions such as speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, music therapy, physical and motor activities.
Guesthouse “Polichni”
It is an educational Program promoting semi-independent living.
It takes place from Friday to Monday, hosting 3-5 trainees, offering skills for independent life.
“Lilian Voudouri” Assisted Living Residence
The first – and still the only one – life-long residence in Greece for multiply disabled visually impaired people. The main goals are:
- Institutionalization avoidance
- Excellent Care
- Enriched quality of life
Amimoni’s ultimate aim is to maximize each individual’s independence in daily living activities and improve their social integration.