Estia Agios Nikolaos
ESTIA AGIOS NIKOLAOS is an award-winning life-sharing community where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers live, create and grow together. The community members, of whom only one-third have disabilities, are residents as well as day participants from the region.
The Purpose of ESTIA is all-encompassing inclusion and the enrichment of each member’s life, so that everyone may fulfill their dreams and aspirations both within ESTIA and in the local area – throughout their lives. The spectrum of needs we are tasked to cover is vast, from old age and dementia to the development of the special abilities of our youngest members with autism, to even the enabling of full immersion into the local society for those members who can live and work semi-independently.
ESTIA has been operating in Galaxidi since 1993 and is a subsidiary of a German Foundation of the same name. Because of its unique way of operating, ESTIA was recognized as a potential model for non-institutional care since its inception and awarded the coveted “Public Benefit Institution” status by the Greek State. ESTIA has three Homes for Assisted Living (SYD) licenses, (two of which are operational and financed by European Regional Funds) and a Day Care Center license, which operates for our members and people from the area.