“PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for Child
“PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for Child” is a non-profit, philanthropic organization, that offers specialized educational and social support services to persons with autism, intellectual disability and other socio-economic challenges. “PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for Child” is the further transformation of “PAMMAKARISTOS” Children’s Summer Camps” that were established in 1945. In 1978, “PAMMAKARISTOS” was fully recognized by the Prefecture of Eastern Attica as a social service provider to Persons with Disabilities (P w D). Today, it is a recognized & certified service provider to P w D that belongs to the official Registry of the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs.
“PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for Child” is managed by a seven-member Board of Directors and it is situated in Nea Makri, Attica on an overall land area of 20 acres, which includes buildings of 6.000 sq. m., allotted to the constitutional missions of the Foundation.
The coverage of special needs of persons with serious, developmental, educational and socio-economic challenges, became the main mission of the Foundation.
However from the early ‘90s, “PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for Child”, further specialized its services for persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability. It concentrated scientifically and organizationally on populations with ASD which –because of the particularity of ASD and the high incidence of autism in the general population (1/54 children)- represent to the day, a serious educational & social challenge. Following the developing scientific research and educational approaches on ASD, it became a Specialized Educational Centre for Autism, the oldest Autism centre in Greece.
Over the years “PAMMAKARISTOS” Foundation for Child” has serviced more than 5.000 disabled persons.
At the moment the “PAMMAKARISTOS” serves 120 persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability, ranging from the whole spectrum of functionality, with services of:
- a Daily Care Centre (ΚΔΗΦ),
- a Centre for the Creative Occupation of P w D (ΚΔΑΠ Α με Α),
- temporary hospitality for girls with ASD and a challenged socio-economic background,
- free time & respite care programs for the accommodated persons and their families,
- special education & groundwork for the transition to supported community living &
- education & vocational training for the transition to supported employment.